Our Story


What We Believe…

  • The Lordship of Jesus Christ: Jesus is fully God and fully man. He is our Saviour and the head of the church.

  • Separation of Church and State: the state should not interfere with faith practices – the church answers to a higher authority.

  • Sufficiency of Scripture for matters of faith and practice: the Bible is the authoritative word of God and our ultimate guide for living.

  • The Priesthood of all believers: each individual Christ-follower has direct access to God through Christ and has been given gifts to do ministry in Jesus’ name.

  • Soul Liberty: each individual has the right before God to seek the Holy Spirit’s leading in all matters – we do not “enforce” beliefs on others.

  • Church membership: membership is a voluntary association of a baptized Christ-follower with a gathering of believers through the personal testimony of faith in Christ.

  • Ordinances as symbols of spiritual realities: we practice baptism and communion as directed by Jesus.

  • Fellowship with others: while each Baptist Church is autonomous we gladly associate with sister churches, provincially, nationally and globally.

  • World Mission: we have a commitment to living out the Great Commission globally and “sending out” our people to share the Good News.