Addressing Injustice Together

Anything that separates us and skews the way God wants us to live together, like racism and other injustices, needs light to be shed on it. When we acknowledge these things, speak the truth in love and build relationships, we reflect what God meant for us to be, people of grace and love.

Racism and other injustices are not limited to any particular group of people

As we choose to hear the struggles of those in our communities who are experiencing racism and injustices and believe what is said, things can change. Listening with the intent to understand others, is showing love.


Understanding Racism in the Black Community. “A Cry for Justice” - addressing Anti-Black racism. “Justice for some is not justice for all.” Pastor Jonathan Mills

Understanding Racism in the Asian Community. Addressing Anti-Asian Racism - “The Perpetual Forever Foreigner Syndrome.”
Pastor Jonathan Mills

Bridges to Understanding Indigenous Communities. “Stand up for justice; stand up for things we see wrong in our society.”
Cheryl Bear

“Thousands Upon Thousands: Indigenous Residential Schools.” (CBOQ Resource)