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Season of Lent - March 2 to April 14

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10).

In the season of Lent we remember the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert and observe the sacrifice he made. Christians set aside time for reflection, renewal and preparation for Good Friday and Easter. You are invited to participate the following activities outline here.

Pray. Fast. Give.

Pray together online (via Zoom) bye phone or in person at the church on Mondays from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm during lent, starting March 7, 2022. You will to need register to participate and to get the materials. Contact Carmen James-Henry for more details. Everyone who registers, will be sent the Zoom from Lynn Smith, starting Friday March 4th.

Here’s what to expect we gather to pray together….
March 7
- Teaching , interaction and prayer with Rev Denise Gillard about prayer and fasting.
March 14, 21, 29 and April 4 - Discussion and prayer following 4 short videos by Max Lucado:
1) God is Good
2) I need Help
3) So do They
4) Thank You
April 11- Summary discussion and prayer in Preparation for Easter week.

Fast for one meal or more every Monday (or as often as you feel called to) and to spend that meal time in conversation with our God who is our Bread of Life.

Give doing works of love.

Spiritual Exercise Resource

Exercise for the mind, spirit and soul daily. Each week there a resource that can help you, your friends or family read, reflect and pray in this season of Lent.

Week 1 - March 2-6: colour or plain copy - spiritual focus: contemplation, slowing, visio divina, meditation, worship, compassion, centring prayer.
Week 2 -March 7-13: colour or plain copy - spiritual focus: gratitude, rest, unplugging, memorization, community service, breath prayer.
Week 3 -March 14-20: colour or plain copy - spiritual focus: self-care, fasting, small group, simplicity, bible study, stewardship, intercessory prayer.
Week 4 -March 21-27: colour and plain copy - spiritual focus: journaling, silence, solitude, encouragement, hospitality, discernment, prayer of lament
Week 5-March 28-April 3: colour and plain copy - spiritual focus: examen, communion, waiting, discipline, humility, forgiveness, prayer walking
Week 6-Apr 4-April 10: colour and plain copy - unity, listening prayer, justice, witness, celebration, rule of life, welcoming prayer

Earlier Event: February 28
Young Adults Community Group
Later Event: March 4
Sr. High Night